Abalone Chronicles Loss, Connection, and Renewal
Film is in production.
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Synopsis: Along the northern California coast the once-abundant red abalone, now nearing extinction, has become a looming crisis. Steve, an avid abalone diver, bears witness to dwindling populations, while Shoshoni, a Yurok ceremonial dressmaker, confronts the scarcity of abalone shells vital to her art and cultural heritage. Connected by this shared loss, Steve and Shoshoni bridge cultural differences and join forces with a plan. Their stories raise awareness about the critical decline of marine ecosystems, the threats of climate change, and our humanity’s deep and ancient connection to the ocean.

This film explores the diminishing populations of the once-plentiful red abalone. It sheds light on how this decline brings into focus the physical, mental, spiritual, and social consequences of humanity's deepening estrangement from the natural world.


The intertidal zone, although out of sight, is by far the richest and most productive zone of the ocean. And yet the "ocean's nursery" faces serious threats from climate change.


The abalone shell, valued for its natural iridescence and beauty, is cherished and highly sought after. Its vibrant hues are incorporated into jewelry, decorative and traditional arts, crafts and culture, captivating audiences worldwide with its allure.

We are actively looking for partners and allies who care about this topic.  Please reach out by filling out the form below or contact Cynthia at cabbottmedia@gmail.com.

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